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Pepper Bru™ is a uniquely perfect combination of spicy Habanero peppers, raw sweet Honey, tart Lemons, warm Turmeric, and a kick of Ginger. When brewed together our ingredients work synergistically to provide a functional, natural energy boost for your mind, without the crash of a traditional energy drink.
Sometimes, the simplest moments hold the deepest wisdom. Let your thoughts settle, and clarity will find you.
Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can be difficult among certain populations in the United States. As a result, many people suffer from obesity, diabetes, and other preventable illnesses. Pepper Bru™ aims to address the root cause through action-led agricultural trainings, while also providing relief from the symptoms by providing Pepper Bru™ to all participants, in the hopes of increasing access to a healthier lifestyle. We believe that it is our mission to leave this place better than we found it by creating and thriving in our own growth, and the growth of our communities.

The Pepper Bru™ formula has been refined over a decade since serving its original purpose in the homes of private individuals and as a daily health tonic for my mother during the last years of her life. The time has come to introduce Pepper Bru™ to the world because many in our communities are at severe risk of not getting the levels of nutrition required for daily intake. With Pepper Bru™, we aim to introduce a suite of great tasting products that are good for you and good for the planet.
Pepper Bru™ is a for-profit, certified Veteran-Owned beverage company headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We are committed to providing healthy food and beverage options that taste good and help improve our customers’ health.
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